Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tweak Convergence - brought applications to the iPhone lock screen

You already know as well as using a variety of applications, a variety of effects tweaks change the lock screen, the lock screen functionality on the iPhone, so you've heard about Convergence put applications into the iPhone lock screen cover not hours. The following article they present are related to the name.
Tweak iOS convergance

Tweak iOS convergance

1, convergance - multi-purpose applications on iPhone clockscreen

- Convergance is one of the many tweaks can mod the iPhone screen 1 unique way, and it is also among the few tweaks very new mod capabilities and diversified for the iPhone's lockscreen.
- The main function of convergance allows you to further enhance the utility to lock screen, instead of like before you can only manipulate and view displays one of the few, but now with convergance, you're spoiled for testing Check notification, toggle widget without having to unlock the screen.
Convergance mod wonder how?
- Convergance give you one set of options, you can add the widget section to use the Notification fast one with ease.
- Tweak it supports a lot of features for the iPhone's notification section, let alone find out more on the bottom offline.
- If you are one who likes the flexibility, convenience, neat as possible, perhaps this is very appropriate for you to tweak.
- Its Strengths in attaching many widgets in the notification bar.
- How to use it is also quite easy, enclosed theme lockscreen friendly interface will make you like it more than you.

2, How to install convergance

Equipment made jailbreak iPhone will be able to install a lot of apps completely free utility and simple download, including convergance. Just jailbreak your iPhone device with WiFi or 3G network connection.
Installation Steps convergance be conducted as follows:
Step 1: Add source
Click the Cydia icon on the iPhone home screen, then select Sources> Edit> Add and enter all sources and wait for the system to add repo.namapple.com source added.
1 of the reservoir repo.namapple.com free tweak
Step 2: Find tweak convergance
First you visit the newly added source on Cydia, search tweak the first letter in the name. If more tweak it, then click it to select groups of features as well as to check and find tweak utility you want to install.
Next, choose the size you want to tweak your settings and then click inside the right corner of the screen. Now your job is waiting convergance Cydia installed on the machine with a black screen interface and commands are running. Restart Springboard appear until the convergance successfully installed.

3, convergance Guide for new users first get familiar

The interface of convergance also relatively simple, but if you are a rarely used or tweak tweak the first time then you will not know what to do to be able to use it one best way, which is why his created this article.
Instructions on how to use and introduce fully functional one tweak of his mission, then let's work together to find and misdemeanors.
When successfully installed convergance, this tweak will be located in the "Settings", you can go there to find it, remember to pull down the bottom dentist, it lies on the application of the machine.
The primary point of the main function buttons:
Enabled: allows activation of convergance mode.
Lite Mode: turn on the Lite mode.
Show Dismis Button: Dismiss button is displayed, allowing ignore the news, notice is not necessary.
Square Icons: Notification icons for square shaped roll please.
Advanced: Advanced settings section.
The last two lines are the author's own, the support, information should not need to care too much.
There is one thing to note here, if you turn up the Lite mode, with one of the custom items hidden underneath, if off, it appears, this is similar to the default mode, it does not allows adjustments only when you turn it off before you can do it manually.
You can distinguish Lite mode by leaving the bottom of the screen lockscreen, in which the arrow icon, and it's different there.
Mode Lite Mode allows you to see how general information 1 of 1 groups certain applications.
Mode Lite Mode in convergance
Notice will be simple clustering and leaner
Next we will use to manually customize, Lite mode goes off, then the Settings section will appear in full below.
Off to custom craft LiteMode
Theme: Home to the entire tweak, 4 convergance support certain topic, you can arbitrarily choose.
Thin Fonts: thin text mode.
Interface is the tweaking of how the iPhone displayed on the screen, including the following sections:
Background: wallpaper tweaks.
Widgets: Line 4 Enabled means that currently has 4 widgets in this section.
In it you will see there are 4 widgets ready position, above the Notification button cetre, ie whether to allow display on the notification bar.
To be able to change the position, order of appearance of the widget you press and hold the 3 tiles horizontally on the right side of the name of one tweak.
Move the icon by pressing and holding in position 3 dashes located next to the screen
Widget toggles similar position, but there is more, it is the icon from which you can enable functions such as WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, ....
Now you try to lock the screen, opening up will see the difference.
The first is right in line Slide to unlock, with markedly different icon.
Second, swipe right to left pane appears, on which are the toggles that you have activated it up, below extra brightness adjustment bar.
Components toggles the screen swipe to the right
Part unlocked with passcode is still as usual, only increased the screen to slide the lock screen to accommodate the special section only.
Back to the installation, turn off the Lite mode when you will see the options below show a small, above and also talked about Widget toggles then, followed by Launchpad.
Launchpad is the show that the application is ready, so that when you need to use at lockscreen can be opened instantly, without having to access the iPhone back into the open.
Below is the image of the regime Launchpad.
Launchpad in convergance
Click on it, you will see the application below, next to the square which has a +, click it to add it to the list, activated by pushing the top button to On Enabeld.
You can also keep passcode when running the application by selecting Skip Passcode and turn up.
At the lock screen, swipe to the left to make the right frame onto the screen, the application will be waiting there.
Swipe left to see the application "waiting"
In summary, the use of convergance will be interpreted like this:
Mode Lite Mode allows the display of messages using the group format.
Lite mode 1 bit different display mode, in this mode, the lock screen now swipe left to show quick access app and swipe right to show the widget on faster Control Centre.
If you have any questions, please refer to our website at.
Hopefully this article do not you find it difficult to use Convargence, wish you success.


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