Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[AD Carry Tristana Guide - Season 5] How to Play - How to build Tristana map gunner position in season 5


Which is a gunner was popular but it seems that the play's Riot Tristana not right with what they want and so she Yordle has been upgraded to a whole new strength in version 5.2 this. Does that these changes have helped players feel more exciting and bring the opposite effect? Let's Guide Game learn offline!

Tristana - Hand Guns Threshold


Tristana-ntSpot Shot (Intrinsic):
Increase range of Tristana based on her level (level 7 + Tristana / level, maximum 669)
Tristana-qMachine gun (Q):
Attrition: No energy. 
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Tristana increase 30/50/70/90/110% attack speed for 5 seconds.
Tristana-wZoom Rocket Jump (W):
Consumption: 60 energy. 
Range: 900. 
Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14 seconds.
Tristana jump to a selected location, causing 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 50% spell power)magic damage to ground range and slow movement speed of enemies in the area affected by60% in 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds. Zoom Jump Rocket will add 20% damage per point of upholstered cumulative drug to target guns (up to a maximum of + 100% for covered drugs initial + 4 stacks)
Knock knock Minister or support will immediately regain skills.
Tristana-eWrap Drugs Guns (E):
Consumption: 70/75/80/85/90 energy. 
Range: 543 + (7 x level Tristana). 
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds.
Intrinsic: Enemies explode when destroyed by attack of Tristana often cause50/75/100/125/150 (+ 25% spell power) magic damage in a radius of 75 units.
Activation: Tristana threw a grenade into the goal. After 4 seconds, the grenade exploded causing physical damage to nearby targets.
Cumulative: Each attack is usually attached to the target Wrap gunpowder will increase a cumulative score, increased damage upon impact, up 25%, up to 4 times (+ 100%). If the target has accumulated 4 points and continued to be attacked, Wrap gunpowder exploded immediately.
Effects: Use the Zoom Jump Rocket to target cumulative maximum Wrap gunpowder wrapped drugs will instantly explode. Wrap Guns Drugs can also be used to head and exploded range twice.
Base damage when activated: 60/70/80/90/100 (+ 50/65/80/95/110% physical damage)(+ 50% spell power) physical damage.
Maximum damage when activated: 120/140/160/180/200 (+ 100/130/160/190/220% physical damage) (+ 100% magic power) physical damage.
Tristana-rGreat Uncle Push Back (R):
Consumption: 100 energy. 
Range: 547 + (7 x level Tristana). 
Cooldown: 100/85/70 seconds.
Tristana fired a giant cannon at enemies. Deal 300/400/500 (+ 100% magic power) magic damage and repel them away 600/800/1000 distance.


1. Jade Additional Support for Tristana:

ngoc wine magical powers(9)Jade gold armor for the most common form.
Emerald magic resistance(9)Minimize damage to unallowable.
(9)Adding speed rated for Tristana - appropriate when confronted with the squad in favor of STVL.
ngoc by - Damage(1)Increased physical damage to Tristana.
(1)With the change in the damage that can be detonated from Wrap gunpowder is very large jade armor are a lot of potential.
Amethyst movement speed(3)Adding physical damage to Tristana.
(3)Further increase attack speed - often see selection of shooters today.

Table 2. Additional Support for Tristana:

21-9 - 0: Table complementary familiar shooters in general and in particular Tristana.

3. How to increase skills for Tristana:

Wrap Drugs Guns (E) is the skill damage and push Tristana way should be maximized first, followed by machine gun (Q) for Tristana's attack speed increases more rapidly to enable Wrap Drugs Guns. Zoom Rocket Jump (W)take 1 point and maximized final. Great Uncle Ultimate Push Back (R) take the correct level.

4. An Additional Authorization for Tristana:

 dau-curve Muslim Blood + Variable Speed: The usual complement allow for the gunner now.

5. How to Dress Tristana:

a. Initial equipment for Tristana:
  dau-curve Search Doran + Rating Blood + The Eyes Materials: initial equipment familiarity of the gunner in general and in particular Tristana.
b. Equip town Tristana sent to:
Here are equipped need for Tristana - despite upgrading their skill sets but then these are still required equipment.
Infinity Sword: By firing rate plus large Tristana what should be the damage and critical rate and critical damage to help the fire is more "quality". So here is the indispensable equipment.
Electric Knives Stattik: Way ahead of Gold to Make Money Fast on Infinity area was not too familiar with these players Tristana, and of course after Infinity, we will complete this equipment by the benefits - features especially the ability to push a strong line combines very well with the new skills of Tristana. Regarding the game when you have enough toys may replace this equipment to Ma Yu Song Search.
Green Supply: Increases damage and armor piercing capability helps Wrap bang of gunpowder (E) bidding sun. : D
c. Shoes for Tristana:
Fury shoes: Shoe of the familiar gunner help speed up a lot of shooting.
d. Complete kit for Tristana:
Here is the complete guide to equip the gunner position Tristana in version 5.2 this:
     Universal kit for Tristana.
    If confidence in the ability to choose the location of the body, the more damage than help Tristana fire burning.
     Same type 1 but more damage to compensate for the attack speed.
     Believe me, you will have time to think about the direction of this map.


1. teammates and enemies Tristana:

a. Tristana teammates:
With new gameplay current, Tristana can get advantage from early on level 2 before or even become a mini-assassin (sub-killer) when can actively working on the cumulative damage and jumped out to escape further damage or stage road. So the minister or the minister supports tend to attack, damage cornered well suited for Tristana: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Leona, Karma , Annie , Zilean ...
b. Enemies of Tristana:
Despite high maneuverability and better protect themselves but with rivals pressed play faster and better cumulative damage, Tristana still need to be careful: Malphite, Annie, Lissandra, Lee Sin, Vi, Thresh ...

2. How to play Tristana how to effectively:

a. Combo Tristana:
With the change of Tristana skills, especially Wrap Drugs Guns (E) is now Tristana will have several combo follows (note: A key to hit often indicate):
Combo road: Wrap Drugs Guns (E) -> Activate machine gun (Q) (if any) and beat until coated drugusually on the first turn dark red enemy (maximum level) -> jump in with Zoom Rocket Jump (W) to detonate and slow.
Combo remote access damage: Zoom Rocket Jump (W) to press targets simultaneously usinggunpowder always Wrap (E) on the routes. So when landing will enable machine gun (Q) (if any) and beat until coated drug often explode.
Combo Insec style Tristana: Using Zoom Rocket Jump (W) behind enemy then use Ultimate Great Uncle Push Back (R) to shoot him on the opposite team "exciting matches." Sometimes you also need the variable rate to successfully implement this.
Combo Tristana "mechanics": Jumping on the Rocket Jump Zoom (W) and then toss Wrap Drugs Guns (E) on the routes to the target -> Activate machine gun (Q) and then fired at the enemy's blood has "enough", using Great Uncle Push Back (R) to push the couch and damage and finish thanks to goals from explosive damage covered drugs. The reason you have to call mechanics by root damage from Ultimate standards as well as gunpowder explosion that will destroy targets.
Combo escape: If you have 2 or more enemies chase you from many directions, using Zoom Rocket Jump (W) to get rid of the possibility to watch the most dangerous enemies, then use the Great Uncle Push Back (R) on the way to repel flying 2nd man.
Combo "Diplomatic Immunity": Borrowing the name of Poppy Ultimate, Tristana use when trying to put a target damage but others were "disturbed". Use Zoom Rocket Jump (W) to access and toss Wrap Drugs Guns (E) on target to put damage on routes -> Great Uncle Push Back (R) to repel those who "disturbances" a few seconds -> gain time that enabled machine gun (Q) + hit often destroy quick goals to put the damage -> Use the Zoom Rocket Jump (W) to escape or cumulative damage to the others (because people have been killed and the cooldown).
b. How to play Tristana first phase matches:
- Tristana needs to play active and accelerate the soldiers at level 1 to level 2 has been before, there are advantages and actively working up in the first combo in order to put pressure on the enemy (maybe even her life). 
Wrap Cabinet of gunpowder (E) for fast line speed and Tristana damage on the enemy indirectly (through killing soldiers) better. However, its disadvantages caused accidentally rising Tristana and easy prey for enemy forests, in addition to some of you have not mastered the inner This is easy to make your farm the military hierarchy. To deal with two ways:
Eye sockets to ensure high visibility when pushed.
Tristana of practice to get used to calculate the damage when it explode from internal E, then find appropriate ways to farm soldiers.
- Sometimes you will be forced on the defensive and, at this time do not try at all costs to close cylinder by soldiers on with intrinsic drug Wrap Gun (E), your order will be vulnerable farm soldiers.
- Sometimes used Reporter Rocket Jump (W) to a skill dodged enemy orientation is an important prerequisite to support you and Minister launched the attack.
- Try built enough money to go home, you will have 3 levels:
Pale: Rang area since 1550> BF Sword to buy
Medium: Built-in 875 enough to buy picks.
The remaining cases: Depending on the situation, priority complete Trượng Blood Sword Gold or, in some cases, it should have shoes and club-1 Search Doran again.

c. How to play Tristana period between matches:
- Complete Infinity Sword, Sword Gold (for director Stattik). If you want to push the fast road, up a dish damage(BF Sword or picks) and complete Stattik director. 
- Depending on the different cases that you consider using the above mentioned combo so reasonable.
- After the high speed travel with the team to control visibility in critical areas or islands to help the other way.
- Remember Wrap Drugs Guns (E) used to head and damage to the surrounding (and office). This makes Tristana is now a gunner out of every powerful state.

d. How to play Tristana final stage matches:
- Tristana Riot was built under the initiative tendency, even little inclination to bring the killer to plunge into theRocket Jump Zoom (W) in order to cause maximum damage. But not so you just "take care" plunge into enemy formations : Mrgreen: . The core of the gunner has the ability to keep shooting location, choose the appropriate time to work on offline!
- Sometimes you can split the team to push the odd because as said - now the ability to push down the road and head of Tristana very good. With 2 skills to protect themselves, she will be safe when the enemy was at the pushing theft.


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