Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[Guide Nidalee Jungle - Season 5] Play Guide - How to build Nidalee location map Forest walks in season 5

[Guide Nidalee Jungle - Season 5] Play Guide - How to build Nidalee location map Forest walks in season 5


Nidaleee far which is used in the midline position mage with quality shots javelin or a gladiator's clothing line on the strong report, but in the updated 5.2 recently, changing a little Nidalee in intrinsic made a completely new potential: Nidalee jungle. With very high winning percentage in LCS recent days, whether Nidalee has become a new force in the jungle with Rek'Sai? Let's Guide Game learn and hold the real power of her offline!

Nidalee - Female Hunter Animal Chemistry


Nidalee_PassiveR ình Arab (Intrinsic):
Stalking: Scroll through the bush will help speed up the movement of Nidalee 10% in 2 seconds, and the intensity of up to 30% when Nidalee moving toward enemy hero that she found within 5500 distance.
Chase: The Minister of Labor and throw the enemy hit will be engraved 1 Trap Arab imprint huntwithin 4 seconds, making them exposed. While moving toward the goal of being hunted, the movement speed of stalking was ranting and Nidalee can pass objects. In addition, damage from skillsbumpers, shells, and the next was ranting. Hunted monsters to use in the forest.
Nidalee QN hiding Workers (Q):
Consumption: 50/60/70/80/90 Energy 
Distance: 1500
Nidalee reporter working her nose in a straight line causing 50/75/100/125/150 (40% spell power),after flying out of darts hit the Nidalee often, its damage is increased, the maximum reach150/225/300/375/450 (120% magical powers)
Q Nidalee-RC snack (Q):
- The next attack caused Nidalee 4/20/50/90 (100% AD) (24% spell power) magic damage. Rendcause more damage over 2.5% per 1% blood loss items target, up to a maximum of 10/50/125/225(250% AD) (60% magic power).
- The target under seal hunt will take 33% more damage from vehicle weight, the maximum allowable damage up to 13/67/167/300 (333% AD) (80% spell power) magic damage .
Nidalee-wB ay Arab (W):
Consumption: 40/45/50/55/60 Energy 
Distance: 900
- Nidalee placed first in the trap location. When the enemy stepped on, we'll get 20/40/60/80/100[10/12/14/16/18 (2% per 100 magic power)% is the victim's blood] magic damage , up to 150damage to enemies. Traps Arab exists within 2 minutes.
Nidalee-w ROh V (W):
- Nidalee forward 375 employees gap caused 50/100/150/200 (30% spell power) magic damage to all targets within a radius of 75 ° when she replied land. Destroy 1 unit in newspapers cloak reduces cooldown by 1 second Vo.
- The target under seal hunt can be overridden at a distance of twice the normal range Vo (up to 750 distances).
Nidalee-EStrong inhibition Wild S (E):
Consumption: 60/75/90/105/120 Energy 
Distance: 600
Nidalee in 45/85/125/165/205 (50% spell power) blood for allies or yourself, and add to them20/30/40/50/60% of the rated speed 7 seconds.
Nidalee-E rV A (E):
- Nidalee For all enemies in front of the arc of 180 ° causing 70/130/190/250 (45% spell power) magic damage.
And in the unit under seal hunt will reduce the cooldown by 1 second Vo.
Nidalee-RNewspaper DIODE L (R):
Attrition: No energy 
Distance: Themselves
- Nidalee of newspapers and people new skills: bumpers (Q), Vo (W) and Now (E), skills series features power consumption when not in use. Ultimate cloak of Nidalee Report from level 1.
- When Nidalee engraved imprint of prey to enemies, Ultimate cloak report back immediately.
Nidalee R 2Re-activate cloak Report to turn back into a human.


1. Jade Additional Support for Nidalee:

ngoc wine magical powers(9)Jade gold armor for the most common form.
(5)Balancing Blood borders and help the early stages of the battle in the forest Nidalee more stable.
Emerald magic resistance(9)Minimize damage spells have received.
ngoc by - Damage(1)Nidalee is a mixture of general damage so frequently double pearl is suitable for her.
Amethyst movement speed(3)Increased power for Nidalee magic.

Table 2. Additional Support for Nidalee:

21-9 - 0: Table supplement their jungle which is suitable for Nidalee.

3. How to increase skills for Nidalee:

Although jungle but increasing skills Nidalee not have too much of a difference when I will raise up Throw Lao / bumpers (Q) because this is the first skill of Nidalee damage. Next there is a maximum lifting Strength Wild / And (E) to be able to recover as hell better forest cleanup. Set Trap / Vo (W) take 1 level 6 points before and after the maximum lift. Ultimate cloak Alert (R) take the right level.

4. Authorization for Additional Assistance Nidalee jungle:

 dau-curve Punishment + Variable Speed: The plugins allow the minister to go to the forest in general and Nidalee is no exception.

5. How to Dress Nidalee jungle:

a. Initial equipment for Nidalee:
  dau-curve Machete Hunter + Blood + Eye Materials Team Rating: initial equipment Nidalee familiar with as well as other general jungle.
b. Equip town Nidalee sent to:
Here are the required equipment to help Nidalee unleash itself:
 arrow  hoac  arrow Sword Access Tung - Consistent allows Mage or Ranger Weapons - Consistent allows Mage: Sword Access allows Punishment Tung help your damage and slow to minister, which helps increase the hit rate of employment or employment in the more press guise. However Weapon Ranger is equipped with jungle safe and sure to Nidalee more (a lot of Korean players use). Mage spell that increases Nidalee SMTP and ability to reduce TGHC. Personally appreciate Weapon Ranger more.
Clock Cat: Source Equipment for Nidalee to increase SMTP, some armor to resist when working on and above all the ability to activate condensation help Nidalee much better chance of survival.
 hoac Mug Devil or Demon Athene Morello Letters: Depending on the case you will have a reasonable upward.Cup of demons appropriate when confronted with the squad in favor of SPMT, to allow more resistance while Devils letter to effect deep wound appropriate when confronted with the squad in favor of STVL or heal well.
c. Shoes for Nidalee:
Shoes Mage: Nidalee capable gap so well disguised newspaper maneuver shoes not too necessary. Instead, allow penetration resistance from France Footwear Division will help increase Nidalee more damage.
d. Complete kit for Nidalee:
Here is the complete guide to equipment for Nidalee in jungle locations:
    Universal kit for Nidalee in jungle location.
    Increased ability to control and reduce the possibility of healing.
    The bite will be painful for Disaster Song Search.
One way to end the game quickly if you snowball early.


1. teammates and enemies Nidalee:

a. Nidalee teammates:
Although it has lost quite a lot of strength in the labor and skills in the guise Reporter newspaper more, but the gameplay of Nidalee still quite suitable for structure formation of blood on the edge of the remote, or the team prone to catching retail with the combo of cumulative damage quickly she turned herself this report, may mention someexamples: Zed, Lee Sin, Karma, Lucian, Jax, Rumble ...
Elise-LMHT Gen-Malphite-LMHT-120-120 Karma-LMHT-120-120 lucian  
b. Enemies of Nidalee:
As an option and novel mutations in the jungle location, Nidalee is proving who dominated his overwhelming victory in the tournament LCS. Allelopathy of Nidalee according to their individual assessment is the general motive (to dodge work) or have the ability to control well (to prevent TB in the guise Nidalee press): Morgana, Leona, Yasuo, Thresh, Braum , Ahri ...

2. How to play Nidalee jungle how to effectively:

a. How to play Nidalee first phase matches:
- Round forests of Nidalee quite suddenly because she could rob forest with javelin combo (Q) - Vo (W) so there will be many different directions beginning:
Start of Common Toad (Punishment) - Blue Charm - Wolf - Red Charm (Punishment) - On the buy equipment or gank.
Pirates charms Green: Red Charm (Punishment) - Sang Blue Charm of The ambush waiting for this moment for a chance to taste the finished toad.
Pirates Charms Red: Red Charm straight through enemy to eat - who left him to wait.
- During the jungle, always trying javelin (Q) into hell to far as possible in order to get the greatest amount of damage and then use Vo (W) jump to combine different skills to That monster beach cleanup.
Strength of the Wild (E) to help you recover well as blood loss due to jungle, and after using the guise that you switch to the effects reported attack speed is maintained.
- Combo to go gank Nidalee including javelin (Q) hit the opponent (prerequisite) -> cloak Alert (R) -> Vo (W) ->And (E) -> bumpers (Q) -> He converted to (R) -> Power Wilderness (E) to assess usually faster -> Zoom Lao (Q) to make a mark and then do the same.
Set Trap (W) is a very important skill in controlling the map, control and direction of forest forest rob the enemy is better. Try to use this skill effectively!
b. How to play Nidalee period between matches:
- Complete equipment jungle, choose the devil or demons upward cup green letter and if they can rush Bookearly necromancy.
- The main task of the moment Nidalee is often in the guise of journalists, moving map control and intimidate opponents Inco shots javelin (Q) and Vo (W) in the guise of journalists.
- Skill javelin (Q) now has a smaller impact range (the range now as "" toothpick "") is an appropriate change to the javelin you have good skills you can take advantage of this and make a surprise for opponents to throw "" radial "" to reach exactly the target should stick damage.
c. How to play Nidalee final stage matches:
- In combat you need to do? There are still some issues like Nidalee in earlier versions, trying javelin hit the opponent, then take advantage of the moment (weak blood rivals hit the mark from the intrinsic) -> press and use ofVo ( W) -> combo similar to the above.
- Nidalee right now in the form of regular reports to be more effective damage, but that does not mean you become more rigid in the form of reports. Get to know the in and take advantage of the intrinsic a reasonable!
Video tutorial overview play Nidalee in jungle location:
- Fate -
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