Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[Guide Lee Sin Solo Top - Season 5] How to Play - How to build furniture Lee Sin Solo Top locations in season 5


Indeed, Lee Sin is a general forever "longevity" with time going through many times but decreased strength of the hot he has not relieved by what's own Lee Sin is no one there can get. The first major battle damage, maneuverability and mutants as well as there is no limit on the main level is the point where your favorite players as well as "hate" Lee Sin. But already in place Guide jungle, but with its diversity Lee Sin can make a good deal in the other way so decided Guide Game Guide sent to you read on Lee Sin way to help people have more interesting choice for the blind monk!

Lee Sin - Mr. Tu Mu


ki-da-nang-loan-leesinL until the asset Down (Intrinsic):
After Lee Sin uses skills 1, 2 attacks often follow him will be increased by 40% and attack speed by 15 in the internal energy per blow.
ki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinWaveform / Unknown Photo charge (Q):
Consumption: 50 Interior features 
Distance: 975 
Cooldown: 11 // 10/9/8/7 seconds
Sound Wave: Lee Sin Attorney caused the first wave 50/80/110/140/170 (+ 90% plus AD)magic damage to the first target hit and exposed victims in 3 giay.Neu Sound waves hit the enemy, Lee Sin can activate Forever Photo charges in the next 3 seconds.
Unknown Photo Charge: Lee Sin to release sound waves hit enemy targets that must be 50/80/110/140/170 (+ 90% plus AD) (+ 8% took the victim's blood) damage physics.
leesin vo he cuoc
follicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinH O / Resolute (W):
Consumption: 50 Interior features 
Distance: 700 
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Household Body: Lee Sin surf to 1 ally, create armor himself and allies (If there is one nearby allies) from 40/80/120/160/200 (+ 80% strength allowed technical) within 2giay.Sau damage when used to get them to shield, Lee Sin can activate Resolute in the next 3 seconds.
Resolute: Within 5 seconds, Lee Sin is increased by 5/10/15/20/25% blood and blood allowed.
lee sin steadfast
ki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinGot A IA / aftershock (E):
Consumption: 50 Energy 
Distance: 350 
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Seismic: Lee Sin punched to the ground streaming sound waves cause 60/95/130/165/200(+ 100% plus AD) magic damage to enemies and expose victims in 4 giay.Neu Location Gothit by an enemy, Lee Sin can trigger aftershocks in the next 3 seconds.
Aftershocks: Lee Sin destroys his enemies, that the name was hit by Seismic earlier fell20/30/40/50/60% movement speed and exposed for 4 seconds, attack speed and di transfer of the victim will recover over time.
leesin aftershock
follicle-no-ki-dragon-cuoc-leesinN o Long Charge (R):
Attrition: No internal energy costs 
Distance: 375 
Cooldown: 90/75/60 ​​seconds
Lee Sin hit the enemy general freight kicked off 1200 the gap, causing 200/400/600 (+ 200% plus AD) physical damage to the victim. Any enemies that hit targets on the routes will be tossed into the air for 1 second and received the same amount of damage.


1. An Additional Jade Lee Sin:

(9)Jade armor normal for most of the generals in general.
(5)Balancing blood and thyroid Lee Sin help create better pressure early on.
(9)Minimize damage from enemy allowed.
(9)Increased cooldown skills help of Lee Sin is ongoing and good performance, when confronted with the squad in favor of physical damage.
(1)Jade increases physical damage and critical basic rate for Lee Sin.
(3)Jade increase basic physical damage to you habituate Lee Lee Sin Sin or want to play well head pressure match

Table 2. Additional Support for Lee Sin:

21-9 - 0: Table supplement increased ability to attack in the position for Lee Sin jungle.

3. How to increase skills for Lee Sin:

With Lee Sin on the road, the damage is necessary, so I will raise Wave Music - Unknown Photo charge (Q) up first and then lift Seismic - Aftershock (E) 2nd Maximum Fitness Household - Resolute (W) prior level 6 get 1 point for increased maneuverability and maximum lift last. Ultimate Wrath Long Charge (R) take the correct level.

4. An Additional Authorization for Lee Sin Solo Top:

 hoac  dau-curve Relocation or incineration + Variable Speed: The ability to create his mutant, Lee Sin should have Relocation to make timely impact in the hot spot on the map. However, if not used or used simply want to put pressure on the road, use incineration instead.

5. How to Dress Lee Sin Solo Top:

a. Initial equipment of Lee Sin:
 hoac   dau-curve Search or Search Doran Long Binh Blood + + The Eyes Materials: Normally you would select Search Doran, however, with a number of competitors capable of good blood composition as Lissandra, Maokai ... then choose Make Long will help you have more comment more blood.
b. Equipping schools for Lee Sin town:
Lee Sin on the road with the following equipment is required for the blind monk:
Ruby shines: Even if he in any position, it is also necessary equipment for Lee Sin. Not because it increases for Lee Sin damage, but because Lee Sin will be extremely maneuverable and "Madness" you can use combo solution Eye sockets + Household Work (W) to escape, catch up rivals or create Insec the ice maker enemy back.
Hatchets Snake: Increased bonus damage, recovery is the speed with which pushed way for Lee Sin.
Ice Shield Randuin: resistance is needed for a gladiator with blood and thyroid. Moreover, the possibility of reducing attack speed and slow wide area very well supported in the enemy while keeping employees on Lee Sin.
c. Shoes for Lee Sin:
 hoac Thuy Ngan shoes or shoes Ninja: Depending on the ball and play individual that you can choose for themselves the appropriate equipment. Personally selected because mercury Shoes, Lee Sin will help when working on is "estate" by better controlling effect.
d. Complete kit for Lee Sin Solo Top:
Shine co-dong TBLMHT hong ngoc prescription to-TBLMHT  giap lua giap spiritual-TBLMHT raduin-driven TBLMHT 
Rigging recommended for Lee Sin.
Shine co-dong TBLMHT hong ngoc prescription to-TBLMHT  Riu den-TBLMHT raduin-driven TBLMHT Low-cycle chain TBLMHT 
Reinforce the resilience and the ability to cross borders.
Shine co-dong TBLMHT hong ngoc prescription to-TBLMHT  Chuy thorns Malmortius-TBLMHT raduin-driven TBLMHT thien than-TBLMHT giap 
Lee Sin kit helps reduce the possibility of cumulative damage (especially magic damage) when working on.
Shine co-dong TBLMHT hong ngoc prescription to-TBLMHT Riu bring far-TBLMHT giap lua  Low-cycle chain TBLMHT 
Kit Lee Sin can help push retail fast.
Shine co-dong TBLMHT hong ngoc prescription to-TBLMHT three checkboxes-TBLMHT thien than-TBLMHT giap green supply-TBLMHT 
Green then also consider : D


1. teammates and enemies of Lee Sin:

a. Lee Sin teammates:
Lee Sin is a general technique requires individuals if the high and almost became a Master Lee then everyone wants to do all your teammates. But with his play Lee Sin is going well with the squad in favor of skirmish (small fighting), cumulative damage single target fast as Kassadin, Riven, Leblanc, Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Thresh ...
kassadin-LMHT-120-120 Riven LeBlanc-LMHT-120-120 1389848126_Yasuo_Square_0  Thresh-LMHT-120-120
b. Enemies of Lee Sin:
Lee Sin few rivals in the early stages of the match thanks to his powerful skills. But not necessarily without opponents or those raised cavalry. These include: Pantheon, Morgana, Olaf, Ahri , Fizz , Leblanc ...
Kayle-LMHT-120-120 Pantheon-LMHT-120-120 Morgana-LMHT-120-120 Olaf-1  

2. How to play Lee Sin how to effectively:

a. The combo of Lee Sin:
This is a prerequisite for you to play Lee Sin is good or not. I'll introduce you to some type combo, but most important to perform well and effectively, you need to set shortcut keys for skills and equipment as well as plenty of exercise:
Combo to go gank (no level 6)
  • ki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershockarrowgreen mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinarrowlee sin steadfast
    Sound waves (Q) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) -> Seismic (E) -> aftershock (E) -> Plug eyes forward rival or if the top team is not required -> Household Fitness (W) swings in the eye or teammates -> K IEN The (W) ...
  • green mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinarrowki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershock
    Eye sockets forward to narrow the gap and then immediately Household Work (W) in the eye (if any teammate in front or soldiers, they Fitness (W) to always -> Wave Audio (Q) -> Unknown Photo Charge (Q) -> Seismic (E) -> aftershock (E) ...
  • green mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershockarrowki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuoc
    Same as above, differs in that when you swing on the range for Seismic (E) is dedicated sound waves (Q) then to cling to the better ...
  • ki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershockarrowki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowgreen mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinarrowlee sin steadfast
    This combo is available once you have pressed the enemy: Seismic (E) -> aftershock (E) -> Wave Audio (Q) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) -> Connect before your eyes (may need or no) -> Household Fitness eyes (W) -> Resolute (W) ...
Combo when Wrath Long ultimate Charge (R):
  • ki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowgreen mat-TBLMHTfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinhoacflasharrowfollicle-no-ki-dragon-cuoc-leesinarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershock
    This is called c Ombo Insec: Opening Song Music (Q) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) to press the opponent, then plug in the back of our eyes and Household Work (W) in the eye or may Variable speed immediately after the fast -> Wrath Long Charge (R) -> Seismic (E) -> aftershock (E) ...
  • green mat-TBLMHTfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesinhoacflasharrowfollicle-no-ki-dragon-cuoc-leesinarrowki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershock
    A variant type of combo Insec, differs in that moment you have to press the enemy and should be available for sound waves (Q) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) then helped put better damage.
Video Insec combo of Lee Sin:
  • ki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowki-nang-du-chan-chan-dia-leesinarrowleesin aftershockarrowfollicle-no-ki-dragon-cuoc-leesinhoacki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinfollicle-no-ki-dragon-cuoc-leesinleesin vo he cuoc
    This is merely an incremental damage combo of Lee Sin: Opening with sound waves (Q) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) to reach the target, then Seismic (E) and aftershocks (E) to slow and often combined type. If you feel the enemy will die as soon as you have the heart to charge (R) is always done, otherwise the sound waves (Q) -> Wrath Long Charge (R) -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) will damage much more.
Combo moves, narrowing the gap, retreat ... Lee Sin:
  • green mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesin
    Plug Eyes -> Household Work (W) in the eye or Household Work (W) to the allied troops or allies: Access the most simple combo.
  • ki-nang-but-I-am-vo-cuoc-leesinarrowleesin vo he cuocarrowgreen mat-TBLMHTarrowfollicle-ki-ho-the-kien-palace-leesin
    Sound waves (Q) into the nearby forest guards or monsters -> Unknown Photo charge (Q) -> Plug Eyes -> Household World (W) in the eye or teammate or allied soldiers.
- During the escape can be used Seismic - Aftershocks (E) to slow the enemy or Wrath Long Charge (R) to kick them off the couch ...
- Note that make intrinsic reasonably Lee Sin, the interlocking 1 -2 attack often during use tactics will help if Lee Sin enough internal energy to good combo or damage more.
- This is just a reference biases, stereotypes are not always exactly the same as well. The flexibility you change so that the most effective.
b. How to play Lee Sin the first phase matches:
- Creating pressure to eat when enemy soldiers by Seismic - Aftershocks (E), if we run away, it is the perfect opportunity for you to use sound waves - Unknown Photo charge (Q).
- You may also surprise Household Work (W) in close enough troops to hit combo as above.
- When sound waves (Q) won, so more often beaten 1-2 the additional charge to his wife even more damage.
- For the first time home purchase cheap equipment Doran Sword, Long Sword with a child's eyes to be able to maneuver.
c. How to play Lee Sin period between matches:
- Complete ax Tiamat and can add shines.
- When Ultimate try to repel rival home or use Shift to put pressure on the other line. Insec successful one, the face will change completely.
- Lee Sin is also a minister engaged in pushing very well with what his interior. When the office is located on the second beat you blow disposable skills will help solve the office as quickly as possible.
d. How to play Lee Sin final stage matches:
- Try to open engagement and implementation phases Insec (if possible) on the main enemy generals.
- The maneuverability of yourself, try to attract the enemy example damage to myself as much as possible, to help the team more hands to fight.
- Lee Sin is a minister can rob the Dragon or Baron is very good thanks to the Supreme Photo charge (Q)calculated as% damage from blood loss goals. But always count way out by leaving an eye on the hill to soar again if failed or face the enemy.


- Restrictions on-one combat control and good visibility in the early stages battle to limit the possibility of early pressure from Lee Sin.
- Skill-oriented sound waves (Q) is an important skill for the opening sequence of Lee Sin combo so if possible try to move to dodge skills.
- Lee Sin When you fly into people often then he would speed or variable Household Work (W) rearward to have one "inSec" should best be quick processing speed or escape skills to dodge avoid this combo.
- Fate -
These are quite detailed guidance and tools to help you build one new gameplay and more efficient for Lee Sin in Solo top positions. With many ways to map such inclinations, would inevitably feedback from you. look forward to receiving feedback from you to work together to build a better system Guide. Thank you for your interest in the article!
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