Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to Play - How to build Veigar map location Support in season 5


Veigar - Master Little Devils.


Veigar PC-class By Energy (Intrinsic):
Energy recovery rate of 1% per Veigar 1% of the energy he uses.
Q VeigarA Gở IEM (Q):
Consumables: 60/65/70/75/80 Energy
Scope: 650
Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
Intrinsic: 1/2/3/4/5 strength Veigar receive permanent magic when he defeated one enemy heroes by any skill or any attack.
Activation: Veigar dark energy released in selected target, causing 80/125/170/215/260 (+ 60% magic power) magic damage. If the portents are the enemy finishing skills, get additional 1 Veigar strength permanent spells (receiving more than double if the enemy is big men, big monsters and generals), plus magical powers could cumulative with magical powers from their intrinsic plus ominous.
Veigar WT Thach Black Porch (W):
Consumption: Energy 70/80/90/100/110
Scope: 900
Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Veigar invoked countless elemental darkness falls at a predetermined location, land meet after 1:25 seconds, dealing 120/170/220/270/320 (+ 100% magic power) magic damage to all enemies in the affected areas.
Meteorites Black can be used to screen the vision in the mist on the map or in the bush before it hits the ground.
Veigar EB E Space (E):
Consumption: Energy 80/90/100/110/120
Scope: 650
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
Veigar bending space around the area to be selected for 3 seconds, stunning any enemies who touch the perimeter of the area in the 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 seconds.
Veigar RTailstock V Explosion Universe (R):
Consumables: 125/175/225 Energy
Scope: 650
Cooldown: 130/110/90 seconds
Attorney Veigar reporters on enemy heroes, cause [250/375/500 (+ 120% magic power) +80% strength of enemy spells] magic damage.


1. Jade Veigar Ancillary Support:

ngoc wine magical powers(9)Ngoc common borders more rugged help Veigar before the attacks of gunner.
Emerald magic resistance(9)Increased power of magic after Veigar better for defenses.
ngoc by - Damage(1)The extra capability for Veigar magic damage.
Amethyst movement speed(3)Adding index for Veigar SMTP.

2. An Additional Table for Veigar Support:

9-0 - 21: Supplementary Table fond of versatility and a little magic attack power is appropriate for Veigar support.

3. How to increase skills for Veigar Support;

Unlike Veigar midline, Veigar type farm support are not portents (Q) so much we just get 1 point for soldiers bymaking her eat Materials (will say below). Skills Meteorites Black (W) will need to upgrade soon to damage AOE Veigar with pretty, followed by new inauspicious (Q). Bending space (E) took 1 point before level 6 to stun and Ultimate Bang the Universe (R) take proper level.

4. An Additional Authorization for Veigar Support:

 dau-curve Variable Speed ​​exhaustion +: Supplementary Authorization popular support of the generals in general and in particular Veigar.

5. How to map for location Veigar Support:

a. Initial equipment for Veigar:
   dau-curve Stock shield Materials + Green + biscuits + Eye To Eye Materials: Despite a general type away but with foreboding (Q), you can take advantage of to eat troops without affecting the gunner, while increasing to Your use of SMTP accordance skills. There is an air-supported early game and you should sell it later for Mask Son Thach silly sounds ... with a cast like Veigar minister.
b. Equipping schools for Veigar town:
Following are dispatched for a town equipped Veigar support:
Ruby shine: Add the ability to control the blood and vision is what a minister support required, Veigar is not out of that.
Rights university Prophet: 720 Tried enough to go home built buy Tears Goddess because it is an important piece of the staff later. SMTP energy and energy plus accompanied by a shield is what a minister supported as Veigar need to protect themselves.
Clock Cat: Equip help increase the viability of Veigar wave from the cumulative damage situation as well as increased ability to attack with a bit SMTP. You can confidently work on key combo enemy generals and activate the standby equipment to rescue comrades.
c. Shoes for Veigar:
Shoe Mobility Increases ability to move more help Veigar maneuver in open combat situations by bending space (E).
d. Complete set of equipment for Veigar Support:
Here are some tips on fully equipped to support Veigar in place:
Shine shaman-TBLMHT  birthright hourglass zhonya-TBLMHT witch baradon-TBLMHT hu truong vo-TBLMHT
Ministry of Veigar common equipped.
Shine shaman-TBLMHT  birthright hourglass zhonya-TBLMHT witch baradon-TBLMHT thap-cycle chain TBLMHT
Adding a little ability to Veigar defense and team.
Shine shaman-TBLMHT  birthright hourglass zhonya-TBLMHT witch baradon-TBLMHT 
Veigar further increase defense capabilities and controlling effect on skills.
    Good to confront the generals have good resilience and high mobility.


1. teammates and enemies Veigar:

a. Veigar teammates:
Veigar an incremental minister prone to single target damage, however the ability to control the widespreadbending space (E) is also quite impressive, some generals later may be well with teammates such Veigar : Lee Sin, Amumu, Maokai, Alistar , Malphite, Nocturne ...
Chess-Malphite-LMHT-120-120 Chess-Amumu-LMHT-120-120 Maokai-LMHT-120-120 Chess-Alistar-LMHT-120-120 Malphite Nocturne-1
b. Veigar enemies:
Veigar quite weak when cornered frontal damage, otherwise last label of Veigar really useful when confronted with the shaman or general support spells pure power, and the name later, you need to consider: Kayle , Fizz , Yasuo, Talon, Zed, Leona ...
Kayle-LMHT-120-120 Fizz-LMHT-120-120 1389848126_Yasuo_Square_0 Zed-LMHT-120-120 Talon-LMHT-120-120 leona-LMHT-120-120

2. How to play Veigar how to effectively:

a. How to play the first match Veigar stage:
- Use ominous (Q) along with Joint Shield bonus from materials that can eat like hell to accumulate points gunner SMTP.
Meteorites Black (W) is a tool to structure better blood enemy, but you should pay before bending space to achieve the best performance.
- Use Meteorites Black (W) when enemy soldiers prepare to make their last hit or just short of clear creep better.
Bending space (E) can only stuns the enemy standing at the edge of the circle, take note of this to be able to stun the opponent. Best to install keystroke to execute their skills for accuracy.
- Control the visibility is also important to limit the operational capabilities of the enemy forest.
b. Veigar playing middle stage matches:
- Complete shone, Tears and Armor Hand Goddess Seeker.
- Even when there are Ultimate, be reduced to the target blood level required then use combo: bending space (E)-> Meteorites Black (W) -> portents (Q) -> Bang Cosmology (R) -> portents (Q) to finish them.
- Actively moving lane when Ultimate Island, especially in the midline because there are often magicians - you would use Bang Ultimate Universe (R) pain.
- Sometimes also be farm to obtain the necessary amount of integrated SMTP.
c. How to play the final phase matches Veigar: 2
- The task of the moment is used Veigar bending space (E) to protect key targets. Use your skill set to quickly destroy or kill a certain blood weak minister as quickly as possible.
- Sometimes you have to use all his skills in general are rushing to the minister of defense your key to help them minimize pressure than in fighting.
- Fate -
These are quite detailed instructions and specifically to help you build one new gameplay and more efficient for Veigar in position Support. With many ways to map such inclinations, would inevitably feedback. look forward to receiving feedback from you to work together to build a better system Guide. Thank you for your interest in the article!
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