Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[Guide Hecarim Solo Top - Season 5] How to Play - How to build Hecarim location map Solo Top 5 in season


In the trend of increasing changes in the game and how to use it to minister in a general LMHT previously could only be seen caught in one position change in another location and shine is possible out, and Hecarim is one such example. Damage can and continuous relative resilience, skills increase mobility without variable speed and scalability Ultimate fighting powerful - these are the strengths required in a Minister on the road. Let's find out Hecarim Game Guide solo top - the choice is hot now offline!
[Guide Hecarim Solo Top - Season 5] How to Play - How to build Hecarim location map Solo Top 5 in season

Hecarim - Ghost War


HecarimPassiveA Kick Out ường (Intrinsic):
Hecarim capable of running cross body and getting more physical damage equal to 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30% movement speed plus of him.
HecarimQStealth C (Q):
Consumption: 24/26/28/30/32 Energy 
Distance: 350 
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Hecarim attack targets around, causing 60/95/130/165/200 (+ 60% AD plus) physical damage.sweep cause 66% damage to the said soldiers and monsters.
If sweeping damage to any enemy soldier, Hecarim will receive 1 point accumulated in 8seconds, reduces the cooldown of this skill base by 1 second, accumulated to 2 times.
HecarimWThe Soul of Battle rape N (W):
Consumption: 50/60/70/80/90 Energy 
Distance: 525 
Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
Hecarim surrounded myself Soul Photography Battle in 4 seconds, dealing 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 20% spell power) magic damage per second to all enemies in influence. At the same time, Hecarim be back equivalent to 20% of blood volume causes damage, damage to blood back by soldiers and monsters are limited to 60/90/120/150/180.
HecarimEV ó Horse Extinction (E):
Consumption: 60 Energy 
Distance: Themselves 
Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds
Hecarim receive 75% movement speed increase gradually in 3 seconds, starting at 25%. His next attack would push the target and cause minimal 40/75/110/145/180 (+ 50% plus AD), the maximum 80/150/220/290/360 (+ 100% AD plus) physical damage to the victim, the additional damage based on distance traveled Hecarim that since activation horses Destruction.
If the selected target is hiding behind one narrow terrain Hecarim will then pass it to work the next victim.
HecarimRMa B Horseman (R):
Consumption: 100 Energy 
Distance: 1000 
Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds
Hecarim summon the Ghost Rider employees to come forward with one straight line, dealing150/250/350 (+ 100% magic power) magic damage to all enemies in their path. Enemies in influence at Hecarim stand will run away in fear chaos accounting for 1 second.
Ghost Rider will move to the end user level despite Hecarim stop at any position.


1. Jade Additional Support for Hecarim:

ngoc wine magical powers(9)Jade gold armor for the most popular minister in general.
(5)Balancing blood and battle armor helps early stage of Hecarim stronger.
Emerald magic resistance(9)Minimize damage spells admitted.
(9)A choice when you deal with the squad in favor of physical damage.
ngoc by - Damage(1)Increasing additional physical damage and injury blow for skills Hecarim
Amethyst movement speed(3)Adding resources for physical damage Hecarim
(3)Because incremental power Hecarim pretty much the movement speed should amethyst is suitable for him.

Table 2. Additional Support for Hecarim Solo Top:

21-9 - 0: Table complementary to conventional physical gladiators on the road.
18-9 - 3: A little movement speed from the Multipurpose help increase mobility and damage to Hecarim.

3. How to increase skills for Hecarim Solo Top:

Sweep (Q) is the skill of Hecarim damage should be maximized first, followed if you want Hecarim increase mobility and damage to compensate for the variable rate, please do not use the lift Horse hooves destruction (E) 2ndBattle Soul Photography (W) get 1 point for recovery, and improve road head up last. Ultimate Ghost Rider (R)take the right level.

4. Authorization for Additional Assistance Hecarim Solo Top:

 dau-curve Shift + Burning Burning: The plugins are allowed to "hot" today. Shift is similar to the other generals on the way to help you be in the hot spot on the map in time while burning Hecarim help increase the damage caused.Because horses destruction (E) is given priority early help increase mobility for Hecarim so we do not need to variable rate.


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